Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Annotation #8

Levy, Dawn. "Researchers envision a hydrogen economy, fueled by wind and new technology." Stanford Report. 24 April 2007.

Dawn Levy, one of the authors from Stanford University, described the distinctions of hydrogen-fueled cars to appeal to the readers who enjoy comparing results and finding reliable data from surveyed research. No age group could be intended, but children younger than sixth grade could have a hard time understanding some of the paragraphs. My other articles so far have proclaimed a lot of information that would be true if a hydrogen-economy was established, but Levy takes the issue into serious consideration and weighs out the possibilities for hydrogen-alternative cars. This article illuminates the fact that the use of hydrogen automobiles is possible and is fast and coming if the programs are pushed forward.

Annotation #7

"E Magazine." E/The Environmental Magazine. 2003. SIRS Knowledge Source. 24 April 2007.

The article published by The Environmental Magazine, by Jeremy Rifkin and Jim Motavalli, is an informative, thorough article which was intended for folks interested in the up-to-date knowledge on hydrogen safety, efficiency, and possibilities. This article was different than others because it had more than one article inside of it including different perspectives of the issue. It illustrated the contradictory conflicts of a new hydrogen economy.

Annotation #6

"Atlantic Monthly." Rocky Mountain Institute. 1994. SIRS Knowledge Source. 24 April 2007.

'Reinventing The Wheels', by Hunter and Amory B. Lovins from Rocky Mountain Institute, was intended for enthusiasts of superefficient cars, their history, possibilities for transportation, and work being done on them. This article is different than the other articles in that it wasn't very up to date and it was terribly long for the meager amount of information. It illuminates the goal of a cleaner car to help the environment.

Annotation #5

"AutoWeek." Crain Communications, Inc. 2005. InfoTrac Student Edition. 24 April 2007.

The article 'Green Cars with a Proof?', published by AutoWeek and Crain Communications, is a detailed, but forward piece intended for teens or older interested in the processes of improving the hydrogen car. It is different than the other articles I have cited because a large chunk of it consists of the possibilities for transporting hydrogen. It highlights the main ideas of why it would be hard to switch to a hydrogen-economy, such as costs, technological challenges, and public awareness.

Annotation #4

"Newsweek International." Newsweek International, Inc. 2004. InfoTrac Student Edition. 24 April 2007.

Newsweek International, reprinted on InfoTrac Student Edition, made an article that is geared towards clientele interested in the production of hydrogen-fueled cars and the uprising industries of China. This article is different than other I have researched from because it is focused directly on China's advancement in hydrogen technology, not the U.S.. The article not only illuminates major predictions for China's hydrogen car industry, but states a few of the technical hurdles the Chinese will have to jump before they can get the cars rolling onto the market.

Annotation #3

"USA Today." Society for The Advancement of Education. 1989. SIRS Knowledge Source. 24 April 2007.

The article written by Michael Renner from USA Today Magazine, copyrighted by the Society for The Advancement of Education, is an informative document open to older readers, mid-teens and up, whom are interested in the history of the auto-industry in the world and general, but surprisingly unknown facts and effects of car production. This article adheres to the automotive issues around the world, rather than just make a few simple comments about America's problems in the industry. It not only illuminates, but detailedly informs the reader about the agricultural, economic, and political conditions of international countries which affected the effort put into the growth of automobiles.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Annotation #2

"Business Week." The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2005. InfoTrac Student Edition. 24 Jan 2005.

Business Week, along with The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. who gave access to it, intended this article for an audience with an interest in the possibility of hydrogen cars coming into the market for use. Compared to the article in Science, it gives a more positive outlook on the installment of hydrogen-focused cars and fueling-stations while trying to stay realistic. Business Week definitely portrays the hydrogen cars with a better chance of going out on the market. This article makes an effort to describe the processes of molecule-splitting and be mindful of the environment while still hitting estimated hydrogen fuel prices for 2010.

Annotation #1

"Science." American Association for the Advancement of Science. 2004. InfoTrac Student Edition. 24 April 2007.

The Robert F. Service News published the article 'The Hydrogen Backlash" with help from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, focusing on a group of people whom are interested in the production, limitations and advancements of hydrogen-fueled cars. This article talks about the high costs of hydrogen cars, the far notion of replacing gasoline-power with them, and the possible pros about them, such as no greenhouse gas pollution and less reliance on foreign oil.

Monday, March 19, 2007

RAFT Assignment 1- Spring Break!

Well, not to brag or anything, but my break was incredibly the most amazing thing in the world. =)
I went down to Acapulco which was warm, sunny, breezy, the perfect weather. I mostly liked all of the activities we did while at our hotel. My family and I brought Tia Robinson along with us for the vacation, so us girls did a lot of things together. Every morning there was a gargantuine, delectable buffet waiting for us by the hotel lobby, and afterwards, we would go down to the beach and boogie-board or play beach volleyball. We would tan and swim all day and at night have some fun playing beach soccer. We were going to ride horses, but we decided to use the money on clubbing instead. We had a lot of fun!
Coming back to school is pretty interesting. I'm excited for my third trimester classes and the new people to meet. But I definitely am not too excited about the weather back here in Minnesota! It'll feel like a big, fun, party-like whoosh of school until summer. I'm just happy to see my friends again!
**~~Peace! ->> Mara

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day 5

Global Climate Issue


The total amount of Earth's ice has been melting and is increasingly decreasing in size in different parts of the world.


Studies have shown liable evidence that repeats itself in different parts of the world. According to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, Greenland melted 53 cubic miles of its ice sheet into the sea in 2005. Scientists from the University College of London reported that the Antarctic ice sheet lost 31 cubic kilometers from 1992-1999. Shepard, one of the scientists, stated that this uniform decrease in the Antarctic ice sheet had been steady for eight years before 2001. Philip Mote of University of Washington found that snowpacks in Washington, CA, and Oregon are only fractions of what they were in the '40's, and some aren't even there at all.

Contributing Factors:

Global warming in general is a main factor that contributes to the decline in Earth's ice mass. There are other specific factors that do help speed the process. The decline of ice sheet on the Earth's two poles leaves more sun energy that is not reflected and ends up being absorbed by the Earth's oceans. Warmer waters help speed the process of the ice melting. Also, when the Antarctic and Artic sheets are thawed, they release gases of methane and CO2 from millions of years ago. When the ice melts from them, the gases released in turn help speed the process of global warming in the atmosphere and ultimately decrease the Earth's ice mass.

Possible Solutions:

There are many things that can effect global warming and in turn help slow the process. The main thing to pull out of the effecting chain would be the high amount of industrial gases that are released into the atmosphere. This is the main problem, but there are many connecting contributors. Plastic, rubber, and other synthetic materials could be recycled instead of burned. More fuel-efficient cars could be produced and approved for better gas exhaust conditions. More electric items could be used in the home to remove the use of coal and oil. More subway systems and bus routes could be made to stop the overuse of cars.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Day 3 - Late Due to Computer Specialness

1.) Problem: Some Tartan highschoolers show a trend of bad grades.
2.) Evidence: Grade slips, grades posted, teacher feedback of general grades in class, failing students, unhappy parent-teacher conferences.
3.) Contributing factors: lack of motivation, misbehavior, not turning in assignments, being tardy, failing tests, not studying
4.) Solution: use a planner, meet with a teacher to discuss grades, find out about extra credit possibilities, find a different route to class, do not talk in class, schedule homework time, make a plan for studying.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Day 1

If you want two of your friends to be friends, they have to get along. Two of my friends whom I hang out with all of my precious time do not seem keen to eachother whenever we are all together. I would like to understand why this is so, and why it's so difficult for them to just like eachother! For cripe's sake! I have good taste in friends, so why can't they like the other good pickin's who are on the same boat as them? There can be a few causes for such problem to occur.
One problem why they do not like eachother could be the fact that they have different tastes and opinions. One thing that one friend may like can tick off the other. Some dividing opinions may even lead to feeling offended or angry with the other. Different tastes can also be hard to mix because there is less to converse about when getting to know eachother.
Another problem may be that they do not know eachother very well! You cannot expect people to magically bond with eachother when they have no time to do so. You may want to leave your two friends some time to hang out on their own without you around for comfortable bonding.
They may also not like eachother because they have behavioral issues and social unawareness. Some people do not have very fine social skills and may have trouble getting to know people. They should find some courage and confidence in themselves to speak and interact with eachother. Hopefully then there will not be indifference or awkward silence.